Skin Care

Lacto Calamine Oil Balance Lotion, Face Wash & Face Scrub

Lacto Calamine offers a comprehensive range of skin care products, from oil control lotion, face wash and daily sunshield to cleansing face wipes, giving you an oil free and clear matte look daily.

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Tetmosol Soap

Tetmosol is the No. 1^ Brand prescribed by Doctors in scabicides category. Tetmosol is mainly used for treatment skin infections caused by mites showing symptoms of itching, rashes, redness on skin, sores. It can also be used to treat and prevent infections caused by head and body lice.

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Tetmosol Cream

Tetmosol Total Cream has Triple action formula of anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. It works against treatment of common itch, bacterial and fungal infection. It can be used in itch due eczema, jock’s itch, and infection between toes and fingers.

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Neko soap helps you keep your skin clean and healthy. It helps in giving a good lather and a better bathing experience. It contains triclocarbon and glycerin. Triclocarbon is an antibacterial agent that kills the growth of bacteria and creates an all day long protective layer on skin. It works against bacteria and keeps you safe from skin infections. It also contains glycerin which helps in keeping your skin soft and supple. It has the ability to fight against germs by controlling growth of bacteria, in combination with high quality soap.

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Caladryl is doctors choice for providing relief to skin allergy and irritation. It is a topical, external use lotion that has a cooling sensation on application and is effective against prickly heat, insect bites, sunburns and skin irritations.

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Polycrol, a heritage brand with over 40 years of history, has provided Indian consumers fast relief from acidity and thus has carved out a special space for itself in consumer minds. The brand has a strong equity in the eastern region of India, built on prescription from doctors. It continues to be a market leader in the eastern geography. Polycrol is a leading Liquid Anatacid Brand in Eastern India.

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Digeplex is a trusted digestive brand helping to provide relief from Indigestion since 1962. With its national presence, Digeplex has strong equity throughout especially in the regions of UP and Bihar. Available in the Liquids and Tablets format, it is loaded with powerful enzymes that help in the digestion of complex carbohydrates and proteins in our food. It provides relief from Indigestion and its symptoms like bloating, burping, and gas. With Digeplex, Digest Anything!

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Women Intimate Range


i-pill, an emergency contraceptive pill launched in 2007, was the first emergency contraceptive brand in the OTC space. Piramal acquired i-pill in 2010 and it continues to be the preferred brand for emergency contraception.

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i-know is an ovulation test kit that identifies the LH surge in a woman's body. It is a category creator, being the 1st such product to be launched in the Indian market.

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i-can is a pregnancy test kit. It was launched in 2011 as a part of the women's intimate range of products.

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Kids wellbeing & Baby care

Jungle Magic Kids Range

Launched with a range of Fruity Perfumes in 2012. Over time Jungle Magic has transitioned in being a brand that equips parents with innovative and child friendly solutions in dealing day to day health and wellbeing concerns of their children. The core essence of Jungle Magic is to provide parents with innovative wellbeing solutions for the day to day problems encountered by them in caring for their child's health & wellbeing through enchantment.

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Little's Baby Care Range

Founded in 1980's Little's has garnered great trust amongst Indian mothers over the last three decades. Today Little's is one of India's favourite baby care brand with offerings for different life stages of a child from 0 to 4 years of age. Trusted by mothers for their quality products.

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Pain Management


The jingle 'Sirf Ek Saridon... ...aur sardard se aaram' has become synonymous with the brand, leaving little need to introduce it with any other facts or figures. Saridon has occupied the No.1 position for relief from headache in consumers’ mind. For over 50 years the brand has been a household name. It is available across the length and the breadth of the country in around 8.25 lakh outlets.

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Sloan's is a heritage brand with more than 109-years legacy helping Kill Pain with the power of its natural ingredients. A specialist in providing quick relief from SEVERE BODY PAIN. Having a key ingredient 'Capsacin', Sloan's is known for its trademark 'Burning Effect' that consumers have loved over the years of its existence. This 'Burning Effect' has acted as one of the key differentiators of the brand from other brands. With a potent Power of Capsicum Extract, a prominent counter-irritant, it not only relieves Severe Body Pains but also reduces “Swelling” and “Strengthens Muscles and ligaments” unlike other popular brands.

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Oral Care


Piramal Enterprises Limited known for its expertise in creating innovative brands has launched "QuikKool" pain relieving mouth ulcer gel. QuikKool has a unique formulation which provides instant pain relief while aiding in faster healing of the ulcer.

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Gut Health


Naturolax is a natural laxative which provide relief from constipation (lack of motion) to consumers. It is a fibre supplement which adds fibre to stool. The fibre absorbs water and makes the stool soft and bulky, which triggers bowel movement and helps to pass the stool easily.

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Lactobacil Plus

Lactobacil Plus is synbiotic (prebiotic + probiotic) which supports growth of existing good bacteria + adds new bacteria. Improves health by stimulating growth of good bacteria. Reduces the risk of diarrhea in children. Helps during diarrhea associated with antibiotics.

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StopAllerG's non-drowsy formula lets you stay active like any other day and its unique format starts working in minutes to relieve from nasal allergy. StopAllerG is used to relieve the symptoms of allergy by reducing the effects of histamines. Symptoms of nasal allergy are rapid Sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose & itch throat.

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Supradyn is a leading Multivitamin brand that builds immunity, boosts stamina and promotes growth. It contains the following: 11 Vitamins (Vit. A, Vit. D3, Vit. B1, Vit. B2, Vit. B6, Vit. B12, Vit. B3, Vit. B5, Vit. C, Vit. E, Vit. B7) 5 Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Manganese, Phosphorus) 4 Trace Elements (Copper, Zinc, Molybdate, Sodium Borate BP)

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Food Supplement


Ferradol is a food supplement that contains iron and 9 other micro nutrients. One spoonful provides 6.4mg iron equivalent to 8 beetroots. A daily dose of Ferradol "Iron Shakti" helps to stay Strong, Active & Alert all day, everyday. Ferradol is available as a malt. So, one can consume it by mixing it in warm or cold milk. One can apply it to chapatis or breads or even consume a spoonful directly from the bottle.

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Cough and Congestion Relief

Waterbury’s Compound A

Waterbury’s Compound, a heritage brand with over 40 years of history, has provided consumers quick relief from cough and cold, while helping boost immunity during sickness. The brand has a strong equity in the western region of India, built on prescription from doctors. With changing times, keeping in mind the health of the consumers, it is now available as a completely ayurvedic and herbal formulation, which is safe for consumption by the entire family.